Love with All Your Heart

As I placed the emeralds around my forehead

It seemed to endlessly touch my soul as I danced that evening.

The ribbon held this gem in place over my third eye and

shot me through, with its bullet of Knowing…and yet, I didn't understand yet,

How could I?

You just spoke of a red heart at your throat chakra and so I give you this reminder, the echo of my experience..

Move the gems throughout your body,

As being still I became a target, and yet

I simply radiate my heart's love from this innocence place.

Go quietly, yet keep moving, for as you make a new brave step you will be not only entering a world anew, but entering a new world.

I am here with each and every one of you who sees the hearts of others, who feels their truth and can offer their soul's balm, to bring that feeling of kindness so deep that it can enter their DNA to be passed on through time.

I remain here to serve and to lead hearts to be able to fly on the wind, to soar and to sing.

 When we're touched, we are changed..

When we are changed we are a powerful presence that can illuminate the path for others.

 I was trapped and yet I now am free as you are my Love, you are free.

 Speak quietly, make them lean in to listen to your words as this is my heart talking too.

 From the Sapphire vibration you shall feel the shock waves and yet, know that as the aqua waters settle, your heart will hold the liquid codes through tears spilled.

 We have a new paradigm, we are the new glory  - together we march slowly, peacefully towards the brightness and lead others to the light in our wake.

No longer hunted, no longer haunted

I am simply me.

Be you too, for as you light up you will be serving humanity and so much more. 

Love with all of your heart.


‘Love with All Your Heart’ a guided message: Karen Kestrel 18.11.19

Karen Kestrel