To experience *equipoise in your daily life simply be kind to yourself. Ok, so that seems a simple statement and yet how come I can hear you ask: 'HOW can I do that?!' 

I asked myself this same question too, especially as life can be overwhelming with everything that we need to do in this oh-so very busy life of ours nowadays. So I'd like to share some life enhancing practices that will give you the foundations to build on your spiritual journey. 

' Let's add some key spiritual pencils to your pencil case. ' 

'Close your eyes, to open them!' .png

MEDITATION: Take the time to tune-in and have a moment to yourself. In this technological, break-neck paced world we need to restore our equilibrium, so if we have no way of finding this still and quiet state of *equipoise, how are we able to do what we need to achieve, let alone discover profound happiness, comfort and inspiration that it will afford us. It takes practice -you will find it a lot easier if you have an understanding of Mindfulness already, as it is very much about not letting your mind wander and to bring it back to the breath so you can go within where you can find guidance and inspiration. This is an art in itself worth mastering so you will be able to learn to trust your own Knowing. Great for resilience, self-worth and new understandings.

'Learning to keep centred and to live in heart in every moment will be the most valuable tool you will ever gift yourself, so give yourself the present of being Present.'

NOTE: For key daily practices to add to your spiritual pencil case please go to the ‘in heart’ blog and choose your own practices to fit and benefit your life, to suit you and honour your uniqueness.

EXPRESSION: Find your own unique way of communication to express yourself and your feelings. Whether its music, dance, writing, singing, drawing, painting, being great at maths, designing fashion – take the time to discover how best you can express yourself - it’s never too late. Journaling is a great way to get to know yourself and not to bottle things up and to find flow.  Life is for embracing.  I share my Truth in this poem.


To heal ourselves is the greatest gift so we can fully Be for the Divine and to serve Mother Earth.  By truly loving the self, transforming fear and perceived wounds into loving energy and developing our curiosity we can experience fully the infinity of LOVE from which all possibilities spring.

Be grateful for the shadows, as well as the light, as both are guiding energies.  It is our choice – to face the issues we may carry, known to us or not, and move through them, beyond them, towards the real reason we are in this human experience so we can live an amazing life or stay wounded and in this fixed state. YOU can choose. Feel into your heart – you Know what your soul craves.

Remember, you are never truly alone...

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So take the time to be in heart so you can tune in and get to know all your angelic guides and spiritual tutors. Invite their loving and insightful guidance daily. In meditation these gentle soul’s presence can be felt – whether it comes as a feeling or a vision, a silent word, even a scent or simply a knowing - their love and care for you is exquisite to experience. Ask them about your inner most concerns – after all, they know you, they’ve got your back - so trust in whatever insights come through to you.

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Life doesn’t have to get in the way, 
it can be Your way – simply:

• notice and recognise what’s not serving you anymore
• see the lessons in all challenges
• remember and honour your passions

Choose to disengage
so you are able to really engage with what matters to your soul
so you can  fine-tune and ‘tune in’ to your Being.

Discover the authentic You.

Tune in to the real You – live life at your unique frequency

and remember the Truth of who you are and were born to be.
