WATER: Reflect. Flow. Grow…

The New Year brings each of us new opportunities. New opportunities to be recognised and manifested. As with a single drop of water, see its purity in your mind’s eye and be a reflection of its true grace as it falls from the sky to nourish and cleanse the earth’s soul as it brings hope and feeds all new growth.

Take the time this year, make the time this year, to stop for a moment and reflect - to find gratitude in your heart for all the simple blessings that enrich and sustain your life. We have gifts all around us in nature to echo within us, to relate to and tune in to our soul’s vibrational reflection.

“Dissolve into this universe that cannot be confined by any man made boundaries, as its beyond limitations - as are we - and yet we do not utilize all our gifts if we allow constant distractions to keep our minds over stimulated”.

‘What gifts?’ Is that your voice I hear whispering on the wind? Or is it mine? For we all have an inner voice with a wealth of Knowing to support us through all the times that life experiences throw at us - we just need to take a breathe, be in heart, find our centre and connect with ourselves and so therefor the Universe.

Look for the gift in the tiniest of lessons. Do not let blockages become an emotional or physical impassable barricade, yet let it be a hurdle for you to sore over with ease. The digital reference to ‘tweeting’ left me cold as the misinformation continues to spread like the wild fires. However, this year, with minimal digital distractions, I have noticed the growing volume of the wild birds and find my heart sings along to their song now, their real life tweets from the branches and sky above. There is gold in the moments all around us.

Be in honor of the moon’s cycles and offer up your worries and dilemmas and feel a comfort in the light it shines back its answers, to illuminate you and let to you know you are seen and heard by many that love you here and now and those that have loved you before time.

Find water to stand beside, bathe in and to cleanse your being with -

to restart, reset and recharge your soul daily.

When you take a sip of precious water recognise its purity and know that it is becoming part of you as you drink it. Why not save a few drops in the glass, meditate with it and intentionalise the water with bright wishes and then pour it into the ground outside to share this energy with Mother Earth.

Look into the water and see your true reflection. Be not stagnant, be not muddied - allow your natural flow and reflect back to others their kind character. Be that raindrop for your dreams and for others and share in the abundance of inspiration that nature surrounds us with. Allow nature to give you a hug and be enveloped in its comfort. Hugging a tree has always been a great way to connect and to ground with the earth, so now just be aware of the big comforting hug it’s giving you right back.

This year water will be a great teacher, guide and inspiration. Let tears flow. Let the soul be cleansed and hydrate your mind with the creativity of the clarity the gift of water brings.

Why not look downwards too and meet yourself in the true reflection in a puddle and remind you of the child inside - it fills me with wonder and makes my heart smile every time. After all, as innocents with have the opportunity of infinite capabilities.

With bright wishes for an exciting New year.


Karen Kestrel