The Sacred Dance of Masculine and Feminine Energy

To acknowledge your unique blend of the dynamic Feminine & Masculine Energy Mix:


Discover your own dual energy, your inner alchemy - what colours do you resonate with today?

Multi coloured bottles.jpg


We are dual gender when born and, made up of feminine and masculine energy - imagine part water and part oil - half being feminine energy and half masculine energy.

As we grow up, we are identified by others as a girl or a boy. A woman or a man as well as a glorious plethora of unique blends such as trans gender where the person knows their own chemistry from the get-go and chooses to own it, or chooses to allow it to be snuffed out so as to fit in with societies' expectations.

 After all, people react to you from the day you are born as the gender you have come here with - 'ah, what a pretty little girl' they may coo or 'Gosh, isn't he a bonny Boy!' as they hand over their gifts to the new born - generally something pale pink for a girl and pale blue for a boy and pale yellow if they want to play it safe as they weren't sure what sex you were having. Although, nowadays brighter colours are coming into favour and gender-neutral such as grey are proving popular for baby’s room. So it's right there, that the dance begins (or it may have started subconsciously on sharing your news with close family during pregnancy even), the balance of the feminine and masculine energies.  And one is clearly seen and responded to with the traditional concepts - 'pretty, little…' for a girl and so on. How the boundaries are being set in place so fast!  Where is the expansion opportunity for these joyous souls?

And 'Bonny' - really? Yup - I hear people still use this expression.  By this, they are indicating a sturdy baby means a 'strong' boy - and another seed boundary is sewn. Out the window the continuing attributes are edited as the humans recognise the body that the soul turns up in, oblivious to the chemistry within. 

And so the child, by generations of false osmosis, can be denied it's full expression - too much oil or too much vinegar - but it's for us to discern our own taste buds and realise our true potential through identifying and letting our dual gender Be as intended, without any editing or dumbing down.


Imagine yourself as a clear glass bottle - feel into the blend - be in heart - place your hand over your heart to focus into the feeling of this.

With this image in mind, fill the bottle with coloured oil and a different coloured water, fill it slowly, ever conscious of your breath.

Let it settle and the two separate for this purpose so you can see each colour.

Note these colours down in a notebook. Are they strong, vibrant primary colours or paler - is there any clear liquid in your bottle even?

Which colour is on top and which colour is at the bottom? These represent your conscious and subconscious.

Then, pick the bottle (with its imaginary lid on) and shake it up - what does it mix like? In amongst the myriad of mini globes of colour, which is the dominant colour of the two?

Note this down.

Do this visual again - now use different colours - be inspired by the ones above or shut your eyes and see what comes to you in meditation.

Do this one more time and note any changes is colours.

Make your observations and note any new 'Knowings' and sensations that this brings.

I don't believe in spoon feeding you any answers - self Truth is about discovery and identifying feelings.  I'd be so pleased if you would like to share any observations with me and will be delighted to give you feed back. 

Colour is a vibration and works with our 13 chakras (more of this is future posts).

I look forward to developing meditations and exercises to realise the perfect balance of the feminine and masculine energies for you to create a

Divine Sacred Union within.

With special mention to Aura-Soma who’s beautiful bottles are in the photo above, Aura-Soma, Beyond Colour Equilibrium bottles and in humble gratitude to Vicky Wall who remarkably bought these healing vibrational colour bottles into being when she was blind. I remember my time spent in Tetford years ago with huge fondness and use these bottles in daily well-being practice.

Using colour is a great way to check in with how you FEEL. Find your centre and know your own unique balance.

A Basic Colour Guide for the 7 chakras:

Red - BASE, GROUNDING - Fight or flight - survival mode. Sexual.

Pale pink - REPRODUCTION -Unconditional love, feminine,

Orange - STOMACH - Detoxification, it represents ‘new survival’ as made up yellow and red.

Yellow - SOLAR PLEXUS - Emotions - Joy, fun with it’s flip side of fear.

Green - HEART - space , made up of blue and yellow ‘new voice’.

Blue - THROAT - authority, communication.

Purple - THIRD EYE - Healing and creativity.

Take pleasure and note down what colours you are drawn to in nature. Notice what you are eating like red berries or orange juice - make the connections. Start tuning into you and enjoy the harmony that brings you.

Karen Kestrel