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# If 

: an adaption of the poem ‘If’, written by Rudyard Kipling in 1895 - with relevance to today’s digital media.

If you can quiet your mind within the noisy digital chatter,

Be Mindful and discern what's actually going on,

Know your Truth and stay true to yourself always,

While having compassion for others' views,

Take time to digest, no knee-jerk reactions, no instant-fix images

To be regretted in an unforgotten digital footprint,

Do not be persuaded into a texting piranha feast,

Be not ego nor insecurity led, let unfiltered selfies abide.


Envy not the mirage of glamorous lives on social media

Make mind free time and remember that we are not just what we think.

Don't yearn for Likes, nor be harmed by dark emoji's,

For both are in disguise and imposters of real feelings.


Don't give way to casual interviews, nor text in haste

As you may fall at the mercy of a cruel edit to fit another’s agenda,

Nor witness good intentioned digital group chat turned,

Choose to disengage with toxic exchanges, instead let your own moral compass guide.


Always engage your hearts’ voice to express feelings,

For we are all as one and have one thing in common, we are unique.

Nurture a good sense of self-worth that cannot be dented

Apply your intention into action to create momentum

That will see your vision and effort across the finish line,

The world is at your feet and the sky as limitless as your imagination,

Be an open reflection for another and know that you are truly loved. 

written by Karen Kestrel 2019.

‘We need to hear these words, to feel them, to be able to take this guidance on board - now , more than ever, we need to know our hearts - for within there can be found the calm that can give comfort and from where you can recharge. True connection with yourself is so gentle and yet therein lies the power.’. KK