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Are You Ready?

Are You Ready?

How do these words make you feel? What emotions do they bring up in you? Do you find yourself answering this question with another question even, such as ‘..ready for what?’

These three words have changed my world today. Simple as. … and Boy am I grateful for this light bulb Knowing download!

I heard the words outside of my body and yet, since turning it into a self-enquiry my soul has got it in an instant - YES Of course I AM ready! The true question I asked myself was …what on earth did I think I was waiting for? For the end of Lockdown, for when things get back to normal and to then discover and work out a ‘new normal’? No, I’m ready now…for me to be Me and to share, and to be, and to celebrate this life full of learning, expansion and curiosities. How had I allowed myself to live ‘on pause’, to mute my light and allowed myself to be knocked off-kilter by an unseen virus? Well, I hadn’t in fact, yet I did find myself off centre and struggling for my sanity’s survival as the global perceived fear had indeed managed to ooze silently into my unconscious.

I realised that I had been languishing in the ‘on hold’ phase which many have been experiencing in Lockdown so far and in our self-isolation (whatever that means anyway!) - and that by doing this I had put myself in limbo. Physical and emotional pure Hell, merely going through the motions to get to the next day, merely surviving and not thriving as that seemed not only out of reach , but had become a forgotten yearning.

…Well, no more.

I share with you my breakthrough from this malaise. I share it because I need to as it has been so transformational for me and I share this because I know of others that are finding it beyond them to be able to cope mentally and emotionally with this fear-based world which can be so pervasive, especially when you are marooned within four walls. When I find it too difficult to talk, to find the words to express how helpless I may feel, I listen and it is in my hearing these three words today that I feel truly saved and shocked back to life!

So please remember to remember, to wake up and to stay awake.

Are You ready?

Please accept my virtual hug because we all can do with one now.

Brightest wishes, Karen

The card is from: Kyle Gray’s Angel Prayers Oracle cards.